100% Safe delivery with insurance up to 100,000€

100% Safe delivery with insurance up to 100,000€

There are two main objectives when shipping a package. The first is to make sure that your package gets to the correct destination in the time frame expected and the second is that the contents are not damaged.

It is essential to pack anything you ship correctly. During the delivery process your package will be handled by multiple people on its journey and some of them won´t care about your packages as much as you do!

Will your package pass drop-test? This is the typical thinking for courier companies and you should ask yourself the following before sending a package. Will the contents of your package survive a drop from shoulder height?

Here are some key points to remember:

Most claims will be invalidated if packaging is considered to be insufficient
Remove any labels, hazardous materials indicators, and other previous shipment markings on the box that are no longer applicable
Use a single address label that has clear, complete delivery and return information
Place a duplicate address label inside the package
Wrap all fragile items separately
Use adequate cushioning material. Fragile items should not be in direct contact with each other or the outer walls of the box
Use strong tape designed for shipping
Do not use string or paper over-wrap
Take photos before you close the package and then from all angles once you have attached the labels.
Spending a little extra money on packaging can save you a lot more than the cost of any damage let alone the frustrating, time consuming process of claiming and any heartache from the loss or damage to sentimental items.

If you follow the above points you will avoid the most common pitfalls. However accidents happen and you may want to take out insurance – see below. For even more information on packaging you can read the extensive Fedex General Packaging Guidelines by clicking here


eColoso now offers insurance for items shipped with values up to 100,000 Euros including items that are restricted with many carriers…..and you do not have to ship them with us. Contact us for a quote.

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